Wednesday 9 October 2019

31 Days of Halloween: Best Horror Actors: John Carradine

Me: Today we'll be talking about John Carradine. What can you tell me about him?

Jay: I dunno. Never met him.

Me: Really?

Jay: Really.

Me: I swear to-

Jay: Okay, okay. John Carradine has a massive list of acting credits, going as far back as 1930.

Me: I was surprised by just how much John Carradine has done! He did a lot of different types of things, too (some quite awful.) Which of his horror films is your favourite?

Jay: It's hard to say. I mean, you've got The Howling, which is up there, and The Sentinel.

Me: And House of the Long Shadows.

Jay: And House of the Long Shadows.

Me: I love that one.

Jay: Well, when you've got John Carradine, Peter Cushing, Christohper Lee, and Vincent Price together in one movie, you can't go wrong. My favourite is probably The Monster Club, though.

Me: Great film. Very clever.

I honestly don't know a lot about John Carradine. What can you tell me?

Jay: Well, he was an artist. There's that. And you were about six when he died.

Me: So... you don't know a lot about him either?

Jay: Nope.

Me: Since neither of us know much about John Carradine, how did he make the cut?

Jay: It's the sheer volume of work he's done. With a career spanning over fifty years, John Carradine cemented his place as a horror icon.

Me: Agreed. Before we wrap things up here today, is there anything else you want to add?

Jay: Just that John Carradine is an underrated actor. People don't talk about him as much as they should.

Me: I guess we're good examples of that. We can't talk too much about that today - we have to start looking at tomorrow's selection. Back to work!

Thanks for stopping by! Don't forget to check back tomorrow to see who our next Best Horror Actor will be!

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