Tuesday, 26 February 2013

What I'm Watching Now: Labyrinth

Or should I say "What I Should Be Watching Now"?

I started to watch Labyrinth but had to stop just twenty minutes in when the disc froze. Took the disc out to check for scratches but, nope, no scratches - only a giant patch of fucking disc rot. I don't know exactly what causes disc rot but I've heard poor production quality has something to do with it. Not impressed.

When ya got a craving for The Goblin King, it don't wait for ya to buy a new disc!

So, so pissed off. In the last ten years, Jay's had two or three discs that have gotten disc rot but this is the first one for me.

Since I couldn't get my Labyrinth fix because of the dodgy DVD, I had to resort to You Tube:

Not as good, of course, but at least I could play with Pinterest at the same time...