Sunday 5 November 2017

Castle Vanian Bonfire Night Playlist 2017

It's no secret that I'm no fan of Bonfire Night. I find the whole premise ridiculous and the fact that it's dangerous as shit doesn't help one bit.

Did you know that one Bonfire Night a few years ago, a firework actually hit the front of my house? Grah! Another, a firework went through the roof of my greenhouse. Never mind the fact that it terrifies my Blodwyn, which is an unforgivable offence.

On the other hand, I'll never pass up an opportunity to make a playlist. 'Cause #musicislife and all. So, here it is, our Bonfire Night Playlist. (Maybe if I play it loud enough, I can drown out the steady bang bang bang of fireworks?)

11 Songs to Fuel Your Fire
This Bonfire Night

What do you think of our playlist? What's on yours? Let us know in the comments!

If you want to listen along, check it out on YouTube: