Sunday 18 September 2022

Book Review: It Was All A Dream: An Anthology Of Bad Horror Tropes Done Right, edited by Brandon Applegate

Horror writers are constantly being told what we’re not supposed to do. Don’t send your MC down to the basement to investigate a strange noise. Keep your characters from splitting up. And, whatever you do, stop those campers from having sex!

(Like that’s possible.)

The first talk I gave as an author contradicted the idea that all clichés are bad. So, when I got the chance to review It Was All ADream: An Anthology Of Bad Horror Tropes Done Right, edited by Brandon Applegate, I jumped at the chance.

I was not disappointed.

It Was All A Dream from Hungry Shadow Press asks twenty-six authors to charge headlong into the worst horror tropes out there and come through the other side with something new – a challenge they rise to in the best ways. 

Nothing in this anthology is what it seems. From a final girl story that confronts gender norms (and sanity,) to a tale that reduces the experiences of its main character to a sort of memory stew, It Was All A Dream is a delightfully twisted bundle of “Well, I wasn’t expecting that!”

The perfect blend of horror and comedy, It Was All A Dream is an inclusive romp through the deranged minds of both familiar authors and new favourites. Their stories come in a diverse variety of styles and forms (including a story told as a collection of police reports and witness statements) but all leave the reader feeling…

I hesitate to say satisfied because some leave you feeling like you’re sharing a murderer’s dirty secret while other’s make you feel like you’ve just been punched in the gut.

I’ll just say that they all leave you… feeling.

Oh, yeah. These stories give you the feels.

My favourites, in no particular order, are:

“Fuck This Shit Manor” by Laurel Hightower, which gives us the ending to Burnt Offerings we deserved.

“Don’t Go in the Woods... or, Do, See if I Care!” by Patrick Barb, in which Mad Marty befriends the monster he tried to warn everyone about.

“Playing Tricks” by Angela Sylvaine, featuring a little girl whose hereditary mental illness isn’t what it seems.

“Parting Gift” by Cormack Baldwin, which gives us a surprisingly heartbreaking alternative take on The Bride of Frankenstein.

“Tattered Fairy, Hungry Fairy” by Belicia Rhea, recounting the perfectly horrible last visit from the Tooth Fairy.

Although the authors are obviously the stars of the show, I can’t wrap up this review without drawing attention to the massively talented artists involved in It Was All A Dream. The ghoulish cover art by Evangeline Gallagher is eye catching and would look incredible on any horror lover’s shelf while inside…


Each of the twenty-six stories are accompanied by unique artwork that reminds me of horror legend, Bernie Wrightson. The publishers must have dished out on this one – and it was 100% money well spent.

Which is exactly my advice to anyone considering It Was All A Dream: An Anthology Of Bad Horror Tropes Done Right. I received a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review, but I can see myself picking up a physical copy because 1. I’ll definitely want to come back to these stories and 2. It’s too dang pretty not to. I think you’ll feel the same way, so make sure you pre-order now for its October 18th release date.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐