Deadline's closing in on this one. Get your subs in now!
BURIED - What’s buried? Treasure, bodies, loot, feelings, knowledge, things that need to be hidden from the light… things that never should have seen the light in the first place…
Submission guidelines:
Please submit your manuscript as a *.rtf, *.doc or *.docx file.
The email subject line must read: “SUBMISSION – Buried – ‘your story title’”.
No headers, footers or page numbers.
Reprints are OK as long as all rights have been reverted back to you.
Up to 5000 words preferred, no minimum.
No extra lines between paragraphs and all new paragraphs and dialogue indented using the TAB key.
Dorothy Davies will be presiding over this anthology.
Submit to:
Deadline: until full
Payment: Exposure and Royalties
60% of profits received
50% off RP paperback contributor copies (cost)